Blu-ray Disc Statistics - F.A.Q.
How did this site come into being?
I always wondered about things like what percentage of Blu-ray movies used BD50 and how many Sony movies have AVC encodes and cost less than $30. So I made the database and this site.
How does it work?
The main pages are largely generated in real time using php and mySQL, incluing all of the graphs and pie charts.
It looks pretty crappy - do you have any experience in web design?
Is there any way I can help?
Corrections can be made at the
new forum. You can also make comments or criticisms (please be nice!) about the way the site works or appears. Please join in and help make the site more fun and useful. You can also help by spreading the word - tell you friends or bookmark us at
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What about financial help?
I do not have any desire to collect donations. If you want to help financially, you can use the sponsor links to buy your discs or other items from Amazon, Best Buy, Sony Style, or New Egg. This will generate referral income for the site at no extra cost to you. I like these stores and use them myself.
Do you get my information when I do this?
No - I only see what items were ordered. Many thanks to the person who purchased the Huggies using my referral code.
Were you funded by anyone or any company that had a stake in the format war?
No - I am not funded by anyone at all. Except the affiliate sponsors - see above.
Will the site be around forever?
I have no plans to take the site down. That said, it is on a fairly low level server and now that it seems to be getting some blogger attention the traffic loads could become problematic. It was never intended to be in wide circulation but I will happily keep it running and will perhaps seek other funding methods if the traffic gets too much for my current level of service.
Which format will win?
I think Blu-ray won already. (Update: See, told ya 8^) )
Is this information 100% accurate?
Probably not. I don't own all these discs and have gleaned the information from the internet. Never trust the internet 100% when it comes to making important decisions. Do the research and make informed decisions that you feel happy with.
Where exactly do you get the information from then?
To give credit where credit is due, the Box Office information is from
Box Office Mojo and the other details come the studios, retailers, review sites, and user comments at the
AVS Forum as well as information submitted to the corrections email address above.
Are you British?
No. I am just not American by birth.
This is great - can I buy you a beer?
Of course you can!